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How To Eat Less Carbs: 5 Simple Tricks

How To Eat Less Carbs: 5 Simple Tricks

Are bread, potatoes, rice and pasta a big part of your life? Do you think it would be hard to cut down? The good news is it’s not as difficult as you might think. Keep reading to find out our 5 simple tricks to help you eat less carbs… Carbohydrates - commonly known as “carbs” - are sugars, starches and fibres found in various types of food, which are turned into energy when we digest them.  They are present in food considered to be unhealthy, such as pastries, white bread, fizzy drinks and highly-processed food. “Complex carbohydrates”, meanwhile, which release...

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How to Detox Your Body: 3 Easy Steps

How to Detox Your Body: 3 Easy Steps

Would you like to boost your energy levels, enjoy a healthy glow to your skin and lose some weight at the same time? Doing a regular “detox” has becoming increasingly popular with people who want to stay healthy by cleansing the body of harmful substances from the inside. You can easily help your body to rid itself of toxins that come from the environment, pollution or processed foods and drinks. With a detox body plan, you can give your hard-working organs, such as the liver and kidneys, a rest.  At the same time, you can replenish your system with lots...

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How to get fit at home

How to get fit at home

You don’t have to join an expensive gym to get fit and healthy. There are many ways to get fit at home - and you don’t need to invest in fancy equipment. Here are some ideas about how to get started: Jump start your day Get your heart pumping with a 10-minute cardio workout at home to burn calories and make you feel fabulous.  After a warm-up to stretch the muscles, do rocket jumps with your hands in the air, then repetitions of star jumps, squats and “burpees”. (A quick online search can help you to find out more about...

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Learn How To Build An Alkaline Diet Plan

Learn How To Build An Alkaline Diet Plan

An alkaline diet is designed to create an optimum balance between the amount of acid and alkaline in the body. This is also referred to as maintaining a healthy “pH balance”. Many things we consume today - such as meat, wheat, dairy products, refined sugar, alcohol and processed foods - are high in acid-producing elements that force the body to work harder to maintain its equilibrium. The body functions more effectively when the blood's pH level is slightly alkaline – with a pH reading of a little over 7. (The pH scale range is 1-14. Less than 7 is acidic,...

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Why Should You Buy Organic Spirulina?

Why Should You Buy Organic Spirulina?

If you haven’t heard of it already, organic Spirulina is an increasingly popular ‘superfood’ made from a blue-green alga.  Both the United Nations and the World Health Organisation have noted its potential as a ‘food for the future’. This is thanks to its incredibly high protein and nutritional content, and its versatility as an ingredient.  Numerous studies over the years have reinforced this.  In the last 5 years Spirulina has become increasingly popular with people interested in their health and wellbeing, vegetarians, vegans. Many organisations are also researching its viability as a food staple.  Spirulina is grown across the world...

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