The Ultimate Gluten-free Food List
What is coeliac disease? When people with coeliac disease eat gluten, their immune system attacks their own tissues. This means their body is unable to effectively absorb nutrients and it damages the lining of their gut. Coeliac disease is not food intolerance or an allergy but an autoimmune disease. Some people with coeliac disease also suffer from a skin complaint known as dermatitis herpetiformis. Symptoms include blisters or bumps on areas including the forearms, the knees and the buttocks. How can it be treated? If you have coeliac disease and/or dermatitis herpetiformis you must avoid gluten altogether. Sticking to a...
How To Choose The Best Spirulina
Spirulina is a tiny fresh-water algae that packs a big punch on protein, nutrients and anti-oxidants. Studies show it can boost your immune system and support cardiovascular, brain, blood and skin health. It also wins accolades for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. Spirulina can be used as a dietary supplement in tablet form or as a powder for use in cooking. It can even be turned into a paste and applied directly to your skin. There are many places to source this superfood, but they are of varying quality. So how do you find the best Spirulina? Best Spirulina powder...
5 Tips For A Successful Raw Diet Plan
Many people have changed their lives by choosing the raw diet lifestyle. Benefits include losing weight, feeling more energetic and boosting your immune system. Many followers make sure 75% of their food intake is uncooked, unprocessed, whole plant-based and, ideally, organic. The raw diet plan is based on the concept that raw and living foods contain essential food enzymes that are destroyed if the food is heated above 47C (116F). A healthy raw food diet can be tailored for vegans, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike. For most people, the bulk of their diet will involve foods such as fruits, vegetables, leafy...
Top 10 High Protein Vegetarian Foods
As a vegetarian, it’s important to make sure you get enough protein in your diet. But what are the best ways to get your protein? Fortunately, there are plenty of options to be found while eating out or shopping for a home-cooked meal. Here are our top 10 high-protein vegetarian food choices: 1. Spirulina An edible bacteria that comes as a tablet or in powder form for cooking, baking or adding to smoothies, low fat Spirulina is packed with protein and amino acids. Other nutrients like beta carotene and minerals, such as iron, support good health. 2. Beans ...
Top 10 Superfoods For A Healthy Diet
Finding easy and tasty ways to boost your energy levels, immune system and sense of wellbeing isn't rocket science. We’ve made it even easier for you by picking out 10 of the best superfoods to eat. Eat your way to a healthy body and mind by incorporating them into your daily meals, snacks and drinks. Here are our top 10 superfoods for 2016: Spirulina This edible blue-green algae is an ancient life form that helps to produce the oxygen in our atmosphere. It is one of the planet's most nutrient-dense foods and it contains up to 70% protein as well...