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7 Ways To Add Turmeric Spice To Your Diet

7 Ways To Add Turmeric Spice To Your Diet

Curcuma longa, better known as turmeric, is a bright yellow root closely related to ginger, with a bitter taste. It has been used for centuries in Indian and Asian cuisine. Herbalists believe its active ingredient, curcumin, has many health benefits. Lately, turmeric is getting lots of attention and it’s been hailed for its ability to prevent anything from the common cold to arthritis. Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to be beneficial in treating symptoms of Crohn’s disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and stomach ulcers. It’s also been known to decrease the risk of serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease  and...

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3 easy healthy snacks ideas

chlorella spirulina turmeric weight loss

3 easy healthy snacks ideas

Some of us love to snack almost as much as we want to lose weight. Snacks are, one of the most convenient ways to fuel before hitting the gym or to avoid a mid-afternoon lull. The problem is that often our snacking habits are adding too many calories and too few nutrients to our diets.  Most of the times, we snack more than we realise. It’s easy to grab a bag of crisps from the vending machine or some donuts from our colleague’s desk, instead of reaching for something healthier. Frequently these snacks can be full of hidden saturated fat,...

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3 healthy lunch ideas

3 healthy lunch ideas

Nowadays, many people skip lunch as it seems to be just another office task to cram into some portion of their day. In today’s age of job insecurity and longer work hours even the typical 10 minutes desk-lunch is disappearing. Not everyone is convinced that a lunch break is something important and some view it as an obstacle to getting to the end of the workday.  Skipping lunch seems like an efficient use of time and these days only a small percentage of workers are fully taking their 30 minutes or 1 hour break. However, lunch is really important for...

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Turmeric Side Effects

Turmeric Side Effects

Turmeric is a spice that is commonly used in Asian food. It has a very long history of usage in India and several other countries. You probably have used turmeric spice if you have cooked curry before. It has a warm, bitter taste and provides a beautiful yellow colour to mustards, butters, and cheeses. This is due to curcumin, the major active principle in turmeric. There is so much accumulated knowledge about turmeric which has been passed on from generation to generation. Turmeric is also the most researched herb on the planet with 6,235 peer-reviewed published articles proving its benefits. With...

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Why am I gaining weight on a low calorie diet?

chlorella spirulina turmeric

Why am I gaining weight on a low calorie diet?

If you're trying to lose weight, you've probably amassed a menu full of calorie-cutting tips and tricks. The weight loss industry is a multi-billion pound industry filled with low calorie meal plans. You probably also know that by cutting down sugar and eating plenty of veggies, lean protein, unprocessed carbohydrates, fruit, and healthy fats will help you to slim down. So if you eat low calorie and healthy foods but still can’t seem to lose weight, or even end up gaining weight, it can be very frustrating. We’ve all been there - following a plan that’s supposed to get you lean,...

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