News — Adrenal fatigue
Why Our Adrenal Gland Health Is so Important ... and How Ashwagandha Can Help
Adrenal fatigue Adrenal Gland Ashwagandha recipe stress turmeric
Chances are you haven’t given your adrenal glands much thought lately. After all, these mushroom-shaped glands are quite tiny. Yet despite their size, your adrenals are mighty; being responsible for producing several hormones that are needed for well-being and normal body functioning. These glands also help regulate metabolism, blood pressure and boost immunity. Your adrenal glands can become exhausted with such an important job, causing your body to become exhausted too. But luckily, Ashwagandha may be able to help give these hard working glands the pick-me-up they need. Here, we explore why the adrenal glands are so important – and...