Recipes — fruit
Granola with Fruits and Cacao Nibs Recipe
almonds cacao nibs coconut milk fruit granola raspberries recipe recipes
Granola is a favourite healthy breakfast for many people. Adding fruits and Superfood World Organic Cacao Nibs makes this a special dish with awesome nutritional values that can keep you full for hours. With quick preparation time, this might become your next favourite breakfast treat! Ingredients: Servings: 2 Preparation Time: 5 minutes 100g prepared instant granola 1 small orange, sliced ½ cup fresh raspberries 30ml whipped coconut milk 6 almonds 1tbsp Superfood World Organic Cacao Nibs Instructions: Prepare granola according to the instructions on the packaging. Place 100g of ready made granola into a bowl, add chopped orange and almonds....