In the picture` below you can see Randa learning to read Braille in English and translating it to little Ayesha who was very excited to learn and feel Braille for the first time.
Together with Team MRI we visited the house of Hamida who is originally from Syria. She moved to Jordon 4 years ago after her husband was killed. Whilst taking shelter in Zataari Refugee Camp with her family, her tent caught fire tragically killing 5 of her 6 children.
Only one boy, Mohammed, 13 yrs old, was saved as he was out at the time. She has no income and the only food is what she receives from MRI. Her house has no electricity, no gas, no fridge, no cooker or even a heater to keep warm.
She lives in the abandoned factory she calls home with her only surviving son, Muhammad who dreams of owning a computer so he can study and take his mother out of poverty. This was the situation when we visited her a few weeks ago.
Thanks to the MRI team in Jordan Hamida is now getting the support she needs to help her and help her son's education by providing them with food and water and schooling equipment.
Hamida was provided with a cooker, heater, fridge, some utensils and furniture. It was heart warming to see Hamida smile for the first time since the tragic loss of her family.
We wanted to help her son Muhammad before we left Jordan and purchased him a new laptop and arranged for him to have classes to help him with his education.
We hope to continue to follow Muhammad's progress going forward with is education.
You can see your support helps make a real difference to peoples lives across the globe. We would like to thank all our Superfood World customers for their continued support so that together we can help make a difference!